
Greg and I discuss how we think as being the problem and solution for change in our lives through a new understanding of what we do in language. This is a new insight into what we humans do in thinking to create the problems (negative, destructive and sabotaging thoughts and emotions) that we all suffer from and what the solution is.

If you are into self help/improvement/development or personal and professional growth or want to make inroads into your mental health, then take a listen to learn about the profound consequences of how we think and how we can change ourselves, our lives, and our way of being and thinking as a result.


Very honoured to be interviewed by Adriana Machado, Founder and CEO of Briyah Institute for her lessons on Leadership Series. Adriana was the former CEO of GE in Brazil and was one of Latin America’s most celebrated woman business leaders. The purpose of the Briyah Institute is to inspire leaders to transform organizations to co-create an impact economy.