"A fun and easy to use awareness tool to interrupt persistent unwanted thoughts."   Marie Menere, January 2017.

"A brilliant book. I would highly recommend to anyone that wants to change their thinking and start living differently. Not only does Jane provide the awareness of the patterns that show up in destructive thinking but she also provides the tools and the solution for change."  Frances Franco, December 2016

"Anyone who wants to follow a road not traveled by over 2500 years philosophical thinking, then give this book a go."  Gavin Ritz, December 2016.

"WTF are we thinking!! Brilliant tool Jane . A breakthrough in the self help world of having to adhere to some way or philosophy to reach your ultimate goal whatever that may be . This book brings freedom to the individual to realise that we are the web of life and in that awareness we achieve our truth and magnificence . Autonomy through reflective thinking is our birth right . Well done Jane for creating a simple yet effective tool to remind people how to be on life's great journey with flow and ease."  Amazon Customer Review, January 2017.

"This book is a perfect thinking tool which explains that we are the change agents of our lives. Jane describes this saying that we steer our thinking, which affects our feelings and actions and expresses how important one thought can be, both moving us forward or can be destructive. When we have become so attached to our thoughts that are destructive we can also become the victims of our lives and only ourselves have the power to change this."  Amazon Customer Review, December 2016.

"This book is fantastic, especially if you are stuck in your way of thinking. It helped me instantly - exactly what I needed to hear. With effective tools Jane helps you make the switch from what is called Attachment Thinking to a state of Autonomy.  The results will be long lasting.  Thank you, Jane!"  Amazon Customer Review, November 2016.